Making processes & products sustainable

To sustainably ensure the economic health of SPIES, the dialogue with our Stakeholders and the essential orientation of our sustainability vision is an important component. In product development, we combine our innovations with sustainability and think in cycles. We always keep an eye on the topics that are important to us, such as compliance and legal security.

Value chain

As a plastic manufacturing company, we are aware of our responsibility towards our environment. For that reason, we have been consistently aligning our actions with economic and ecological criteria for years, combining them into meaningful, holistic process. This way we ensure that sustainability is practiced throughout the whole value chain at SPIES. The chart also shows that the cooperation of many parties is necessary for a functioning circular economy.

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Our three areas of sustainability
Transport to SPIES

As a standard, our products are made of polypropylene. We use recycled material for non-food products. Materials made from renewable raw materials are also an alternative to conserve fossil resources.

Processing at SPIES

From the design of our products to the simulation and construction of our injection molds to production, we choose ways to make our products sustainable. After production, we offer storage facilities for 40.000 pallets.

Product Development
Tool Making
Transport to the customer

For transport, we pay attention to efficient utilization of pallets through good stackability of our products and offer reusable transport boxes to save resources.

End user
Handling at customer site

Our products belong in the yellow bin or bag after usage. Correct disposal is the prerequisite for recycling the materials.


In order for our products to be well recycled, we produce packaging made of monomaterials. We are committed to pure recycling streams so that our food packaging can become food packaging again in the future.


As part of a materiality analysis, the most relevant sustainability topics were identified with all division heads. Two perspectives were taken to meet the requirements of double materiality.

1. Which sustainability topics affect us from the outside? (Outside-In-Perspective)

2. On which sustainability aspects do we exert an influence or which aspects are of great importance for SPIES? (Inside-Out-Perspective)

The identified topics were prioritized and checked for opportunities and risks. All topics that have a high to very high significance for our sustainability development are reflected in our materiality matrix and are our central fields of action. In the future, this analysis will be supplemented by a stakeholder survey. The most important stakeholder groups of SPIES are listed in the overview on the right.

  • SPIESers
  • Customers
  • Retail
  • End consumers of the packaged Products
  • Suppliers
  • Networks and associations
  • Recycling service providers
  • City of Melle
  • Research Institute & NGOs
  • Legislation
  • Banks





Sustainable Development Goals

In 2015, the Sustainable Developments Goals (SDGs) were adopted by all member states of the United Nations within the framework of the 2030 Agenda. SPIES is committed to the goals and makes its contribution. Based on our materiality analysis and value chain, we analyzed our contribution to the SDGs. Every single goal is of great importance to us, but the focus of our commitments lies on goal 9, 12, 13, 14 and 15. The graphic shows our contributions to achieving the goals.



our focus
Goals and contributions 09
Sustainable innovations play a major role at SPIES. We develop new products in the reusable sector and use renewable or recycled raw materials where possible. Thanks to the in-mold labeling, our standard products are made of monomaterial and therefore can be completely recycled.
Goals and contributions 12
As part of our 50001-certified energy management system, a variety of measures are pursued to constantly increase our energy efficiency. In general, we attach great importance to state-of-the-art technology in order to save resources throughout the entire production process.

The health and safety of our employees are very important to us. A committee as well as our occupational safety specialist and the People & Culture department ensure the introduction of different measures, e.g. a company health management, a company collective agreement or our SPIES Academy.
Goals and contributions 13
Based on the calculation of our carbon footprint, we develop a climate strategy and reduce emissions as much as we can. From 2025, we will use 100 % green electricity and be climate neutral in Scopes 1 and 2. We will achieve this through various reduction measures as well as offsetting the remaining emissions. In addition, we develop a strategy for the own or partnership generation and use of renewable energies.
Goals and contributions 14
To protect our waters from plastic waste, a functioning circular economy is necessary. That is why we pay attention to good recyclability in the development of our products and are involved in initiatives such as Holy Grail 2.0 so that at the end of their life cycle, our products are seen as new recyclables and are returned to the recycling loop.

To protect our regional waters, such as the Else, we have, among other things, installed devices to prevent plastic granules from entering the waters during delivery.
Goals and contributions 15
To protect our forests and landscapes from plastic waste, a functioning circular economy necessary. That is why we pay attention to good recyclability in the design of our products and are involved in initiatives such as Holy Grail 2.0 so that at the end of their life cycle, our products are seen as new recyclables and are returned to the recycling loop.

To protect nature and promote biodiversity on the company premises, we have created a 3,000 sqm flowering lawn.
Goals and contributions 09
Sustainable innovations play a major role at SPIES. We develop new products in the reusable sector and use renewable or recycled raw materials where possible. Thanks to the in-mold labeling, our standard products are made of monomaterial and therefore can be completely recycled.
Goals and contributions 12
As part of our 50001-certified energy management system, a variety of measures are pursued to constantly increase our energy efficiency. In general, we attach great importance to state-of-the-art technology in order to save resources throughout the entire production process.

The health and safety of our employees are very important to us. A committee as well as our occupational safety specialist and the People & Culture department ensure the introduction of different measures, e.g. a company health management, a company collective agreement or our SPIES Academy.
Goals and contributions 13
Based on the calculation of our carbon footprint, we develop a climate strategy and reduce emissions as much as we can. From 2025, we will use 100 % green electricity and be climate neutral in Scopes 1 and 2. We will achieve this through various reduction measures as well as offsetting the remaining emissions. In addition, we develop a strategy for the own or partnership generation and use of renewable energies.
Goals and contributions 14
To protect our waters from plastic waste, a functioning circular economy is necessary. That is why we pay attention to good recyclability in the development of our products and are involved in initiatives such as Holy Grail 2.0 so that at the end of their life cycle, our products are seen as new recyclables and are returned to the recycling loop.

To protect our regional waters, such as the Else, we have, among other things, installed devices to prevent plastic granules from entering the waters during delivery.
Goals and contributions 15
To protect our forests and landscapes from plastic waste, a functioning circular economy necessary. That is why we pay attention to good recyclability in the design of our products and are involved in initiatives such as Holy Grail 2.0 so that at the end of their life cycle, our products are seen as new recyclables and are returned to the recycling loop.

To protect nature and promote biodiversity on the company premises, we have created a 3,000 sqm flowering lawn.
„Our use of materials: as little as possible, as much as necessary. We have never done it any other way!”
Christof Spies, CEO SPIES Packaging

Design for Sustainability

The environmental awareness of our stakeholders is growing and the need for innovative and sustainable packaging solutions is becoming increasingly necessary, especially in the food industry. At SPIES, we consistently combine sustainability and innovation and develop our products according to the “Design of Sustainability” principle with the aim of meeting the needs of our world, people and our partners.

1 Redesign

We develop packaging optimally for its intended use.

2 Reduce

We optimize packaging according to the (plastic) principle of "as much as necessary and as little as possible" - thus conserving resources.

3 Recycle

We set standards by using 100% recyclable monomaterials and thereby support the circular economy.

4 Research

We continuously develop processes, tools and materials, using state-of-the-art technologies.

5 Rethinking

As an innovation driver, we stand for the standards of tomorrow and educate about recycling and resource conservation.

Our product highlights

Our products are divided into three categories: Recycle, Reduce and Reuse.

Recycle products are made from 100 % mono-material and are therefore recyclable. With these products, we contribute to the development of a functioning circular economy. All products in the Reduce range impress with their optimized use of materials and weight reduction. By using state-of-the-art technologies, we save valuable raw materials and develop our packaging according to the principle of “as little as possible, as much as necessary”. The Reuse division demonstrates our expertise in the field of reusable products. A wide variety of geometries and applications are possible here. In addition, our SPIES reusable products can be turned into intelligent data carriers by combining smart technology.




Circular Economy

As a plastics processing company, we see it as our mission to contribute to the realization of a circular economy, in order to reduce the environmental impact of plastics. In the article design of our products, we pay attention to a good recyclability already. For example, thanks to the high-quality decoration technique of in-mold-labeling (IML), almost all our products are made of mono-material and are fully recyclable. Where possible, we use recycled material. In 2022, we were able to produce a series product from our recycled industrial scrap for the first time. This is a major step forward given the high requirements for contact-sensitive packaging.

However, a functioning recycling economy cannot be achieved alone. To be able to guarantee closed recycling loops in the future, we are participating in the Holy Grail 2.0 initiative, among others. Within this project, digital three-dimensional watermarks are applied to large areas of the packaging. In the recycling process, these watermarks can be read using special camera technology and the waste can be sorted. Through this the system can separate food packaging from other packaging and create single-sort recycling streams, which is essential for us due to the strict requirements for recycling materials for food packaging.

Quality and Compliance

The quality of our products is our priority. Low reject rates and low claim rates are important to us to satisfy our customers in the long term and support our optimal use of resources. This is ensured by our quality management team, which regularly checks the quality of the produced articles by camera technology and our hygiene requirements.

Our high quality and food standards ensure the safety of consumers when using our packaging, as confirmed by our FSSC 22000 certification. It goes without saying that all our products that come into contact with food are free of plasticizers such as BPA and phthalate.

Compliance responsibility lies with our business management. Annual assessment of compliance issues in the areas of energy and hygiene takes place in management reviews. As part of the EU Whistleblower Directive to protect whistleblowers, an anonymous reporting channel has been installed on our website.




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