
NordwestAwards 2022 "Sustainability": SPIES reaches the finals

Through a contact with WIGOS (Wirtschaftsförderung Landkreis Osnabrück), we became aware of the award ceremony of the Northwest Metropolitan Region and spontaneously applied for the award in the category " Sustainability" with the project "Plastics and Sustainability? Don't exclude each other".

On 30.08.2022 the award ceremony took place in Bremerhaven and the top 3 finalists in each category were invited. SPIES can count itself among them and is pleased about the confirmation and honouring of its commitment in the field of sustainability.

For SPIES, sustainability means achieving a balance - with our environment, with our employees and with our customers. We position SPIES for the future and take responsibility. "Design for Sustainability" in our products, the development of a climate strategy or a code of conduct for ethical behaviour are just a few measures of our sustainability vision.

Because plastics and sustainability team up well.

For more information on “the best in the west”, click here:


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