
Mission: Sustainability

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New sustainability manager at SPIES

I am Denis Müller, 27 years old, and I have been working as the new Sustainability Manager at SPIES since June 1, 2024. I am delighted to introduce myself here in the “Mission: Sustainability” blog and give you an insight into my tasks and goals.

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Sustainability Manager (m/f/d) at SPIES: A role with an impact

At SPIES Kunststoffe GmbH, sustainability is at the focus of everything we do. The search for the perfect addition to our team continues.

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Sustainability at SPIES: another chapter begins

I am Carolin Buddenkotte, Head of Transformation & Communications, and as someone who has been helping to shape SPIES' development towards a more sustainable company for four years now, I am delighted to take over the responsibility for our corporate blog "Mission: Sustainability" on an interim basis.

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Passing the baton

I would like to use this last blog post of mine to take a look back at the last 2 years of sustainability at SPIES.

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Plastic packaging: Between debate and facts

At a time when politicians are increasingly taking measures to minimize packaging waste, the debate surrounding plastic packaging in particular is coming into focus. Policymakers are pursuing various approaches, including the PPWR (Packaging and Packaging Waste Directive), to help reduce waste and conserve resources.

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Sustainability as a strategic pillar

There are a variety of ways to address sustainability in an organizational context. A right or wrong probably does not exist and depending on the company, different approaches can be the most effective. ​​​​​​​In this blog post, we give you an insight into what our approach is like at SPIES.

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Design for Sustainability

What is that actually? Our sustainability manager Nina Franke in conversation with our team leader of the "Products & Innovations" division and CEO Christof Spies.

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Packing food sensibly: The balance between protection and environmental protection

Does the ultimate sustainable packaging exist? Let's take a closer look at that now.

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Sustainability assessment of products | LCA, PCF and co.

How we find our way through the jungle of sustainability assessment

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Energy management

One of the most important departments for the topic of sustainability is energy management. Due to the fact that we are a producer of plastic packaging, we have a high energy consumption. We asked our energy management officer Christian Kuß what is being done in this area for better energy efficiency and thus climate protection. 

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Recycling - The foundation of the circular economy

In conversation with materials expert Jens Huchzermeier and recycling expert Ralf Abeln, as well as sustainability manager Nina Franke.

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Materiality analysis

As part of a materiality analysis, the most relevant sustainability issues are identified with all divisional management. Two different perspectives are adopted in order to meet the requirements of dual materiality: Outside-in and Inside-out.

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Our Sustainability Vision 2025

“More beautiful than having visions is realizing them” (Lisz Hirn).

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Networks and initiatives - Strong together

Networking is always valuable. But especially in the field of sustainability, where there is a lot of news, this can be very helpful. 

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Why SPIES is evaluated by EcoVadis

SPIES has been a member of the EcoVadis platform since 2021. But what is that actually?

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Mission: Sustainability - Welcome!

Hello and welcome to the sustainability blog of SPIES. Sustainability at SPIES - what do we do?

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Talking to each other.

What would you like to know?

Whether it’s about the enterprise, production, one of your product ideas or…?

All you need to do is ask us! We’re looking forward to an interesting discussion with you!
