
SPIES Packaging & IGS Melle are award winners of "Schulewirtschaft 2022"

How do you effectively connect young people who are about to take their first step into working life with companies that offer a wide range of opportunities for a career start? 

SPIES has found an answer to this question: Cooperation projects with schools. The Integrierte Gesamtschule Melle mit gymnasialer Oberstufe (IGS Melle) and the VME-Stiftung Onsabrück-Emsland offer cooperation projects for companies. Together with the two partners, SPIES has set up the optional course "WPK nICE". Students were given the task of creating an ice cream packaging for young people.  

The project was enriched by a company visit at SPIES, a job application training and information about technical drawing in practice. At the end of the course, the students received their designed object as a 3D print for presentation. 
A great project - this was also the opinion of the Netzwerk Schulewirtschaft Deutschland  and awarded the IGS Melle and SPIES Packaging the School Economy 2022 Prize in November in Berlin. 

Melanie Boch (Human Resources Officer) and Sarah Plogmann (Design Engineer Toolmaking) accepted the award on behalf of SPIES and explain the project goal: "We are very happy about the award. Because we want to prepare the young people for the future and strengthen their interest in an apprenticeship. It is important to us to get in touch with the apprentices of tomorrow at an early stage and to support them in their career orientation."

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