
Networks and initiatives - Strong together

Networking is always valuable. But especially in the field of sustainability, where there is a lot of news, this can be very helpful. 

SPIES is currently a member of various networks with different focuses. Some of our networks that focus on plastics (Forschungsverbund ZWT or the WIP) offer working groups and information on sustainability. Such networks help especially with concerns that are specific to our industry, such as the use of alternative materials and processes. Recently SPIES is also a member of the association Kunststoffe in OWL. Even if we do not belong directly to the district Ostwestfalen-Lippe, we were allowed to give a lecture as a new member at the annual conference at the beginning of September about the question "Why every company needs a sustainability manager". Our membership in B.A.U.M. e.V. is cross-sectoral. This network enriches us with assistance and information in the area of sustainable management in general. Questions on topics such as the development of a climate strategy or legal innovations such as the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) can be placed here. 

In addition to corporate networks, larger initiatives in this area are also of great importance. For example, it takes many parties to install a circular economy. To this end, we have joined the global Holy Grail 2.0 initiative. Here, two- or three-dimensional digital watermarks are inserted into packaging so that cameras in recycling plants can create single-sort recycling streams and thus functioning cycles. In other areas, too, such as setting up a climate strategy, it often makes sense to follow existing initiatives, such as the Science Based Targets Initiative, in order to benefit from pooled knowledge and expertise. 


Talking to each other.

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