
Why SPIES is evaluated by EcoVadis

SPIES has been a member of the EcoVadis platform since 2021. Companies can get an overview of their own sustainability performance and network with suppliers or customers to increase transparency regarding CSR activities in the supply chain.

EcoVadis awards medals in the categories Platinum (best 1%), Gold (best 5%), Silver (best 25%) and Bronze (best 50%) to the companies with the best rating. After our first evaluation, we received the bronze medal. This is a good start, but also motivates us to do even better.

One of the triggers for us to register SPIES at EcoVadis and to have ourselves evaluated were some inquiries from customers. On the other hand, it was also the possibility to have one's CSR activities classified by a recognized organization and to get an overview of the status quo and improvement potentials and to have a communication tool for the area of sustainability with the medal.

In the process of an assessment, the exchange with many departments, such as Energy Management, People & Culture, Occupational Health & Safety and some more, must be sought in order to collect all the necessary information. While this is time-consuming, it also has a great internal benefit: Through the discussions and the joint attempt to gain as many points as possible in the assessment, potential for improvement becomes clear. Thus, following an assessment, a process can be started to make its sustainability performance even better and to install further procedures and processes in this area.

EcoVadis evaluates according to the continuous improvement approach. This means that in order to maintain the same score, you still need to have improved on your previous year's performance. This approach is of course demanding but also motivating and definitely necessary in the area of sustainability - because standing still means taking a step backwards.


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